Category: Pet Supplies

  • Category: Pet Supplies
What You Should Know When Adopting A Family Pet

What You Should Know When Adopting A Family Pet

Adopting the first family pet is no small undertaking! It is a decision that should be very well researched and thought out, and carefully considered by your entire family and not just the “primary” pet owner. Here are some considerations you definitely should take into account before you decide to adopt.

How To Avoid “Judgment” in Veterinary Care

How To Avoid “Judgment” in Veterinary Care

Dr. Shadi Ireifej explores how a veterinarian’s personal judgment of their clients may impact the quality of care given to their pet, and shares ideas on how vets can address this common problem.

Grooming: Choosing The Right Dog Clipper System To Suit Your Needs

Grooming: Choosing The Right Dog Clipper System To Suit Your Needs

One great way to increase your productivity is to look at your clipper system.  we’ve got a great selection of professional clipping systems to help you do more business and groom better, no matter what type of grooming business you have.

Safety First: How to “Pet-proof” Your Home for Puppies and Kittens!

Safety First: How to “Pet-proof” Your Home for Puppies and Kittens!

How to make your home a safe haven for pets – especially puppies and kittens. Reprinted and adapted with permission from   So, you’re bringing your new puppy or kitten home. Congratulations on the beginning of many years of love, cuddles and laughs. There’s nothing better than a fuzzy pet to bring a smile

Which Vacuums Are The Best At Picking Up Dog Hair?

Which Vacuums Are The Best At Picking Up Dog Hair?

When it comes to your grooming business, keeping a clean workspace is paramount. You know this. Aside from leaving a good impression with your customers, keeping a clean workspace promotes a healthy environment for the pets you are grooming and also keeps you healthy, eliminating the risk of respiratory issues loose hair and dander can cause.

Pet-Proofing 101: Making a Safe Haven for Your New Pet

Pet-Proofing 101: Making a Safe Haven for Your New Pet

There are lots of things your pet may be curious about around your home, from foods and plants to electrical cords and chemicals. We’ll help you find them before your new pet does so you’re prepared and your new bundle of joy can grow up safe and happy.

Treadmills Vs. Treadwheels. Which Is The Right Choice?

Treadmills Vs. Treadwheels. Which Is The Right Choice?

When considering which type of exercise device is right for your dog, there are some key considerations you need to take into account to ensure you are making the right decision. Let’s break down the pros and cons of each.

Flaws in Center for Pet Safety Testing

Flaws in Center for Pet Safety Testing

The Center for Pet Safety (CPS) testing is flawed. Click here to find out why. Like most pet parents, chances are this isn’t the first time you’ve seen a dog stick their head out of the window during a car ride. Unfortunately, most pet parents are completely unaware of the risk and the dangers, to

Indoor Cats Can Enjoy Your Backyard In Safety

Indoor Cats Can Enjoy Your Backyard In Safety

Any conscientious cat owner will tell you that it’s not a good idea to let your indoor cat explore the outdoors, as there is a lot of danger there: running away and getting lost, conflict with other animals, climbing up on things and not being able to get down, and the list goes on. Cat enclosures will let your cat experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors without risking their safety. 

How To Safely Clean And Maintain Dog Crates

How To Safely Clean And Maintain Dog Crates

One of the many interesting things about dogs is that they naturally keep their crates nice and tidy. After a while, however, even the most tidy looking crate can begin to smell bad. On top of that, there are always the occasional “bathroom accidents” which can happen, and those need to be dealt with as well.